Thursday, October 18, 2007

Things I HAVE to say....

1st of all, big storms last night in our area. A tent collapsed at Tulsa Oktoberfest hurting more than 2 dozen people...what I HAVE to say on this is WHAT THE HOO HA WERE THEY DOING THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE? For days our local weather stations have been predicting SEVERE weather, not rain, not wind, not storms, SEVERE storms. This is Oklahoma people, did you really think you could hide from a severe storm under the beer tent??? AND radar showed the storms heading that way before I headed to work yesterday, so its not like they didn't know!

Next: Ellen Degeneres and the dog scandal. I have dealt with a rescue organization and from experience...those people can be nuts! We decided to adopt a basset a few years ago and upon receiving my application, the basset rescue people ATTACKED. They were so rude that I honestly thought, oh my goodness they have my home address I hope they dont try to kidnap Chip! No seriously, I did. And what horror was on my application that produced this response? I didn't let my 75 pound basset live in the house. Because, according to them, dogs are family members and how dare I make my family member live outside. (Does this mean I have to let Chris in????) Of course, I managed to call one them an ugly name in the end, which my loving husband will NOT let me live down...

Birth control pills in middle schools???!!! I thought the whole issue with condoms was that they not only prevented pregnancy but they prevented STD's. Now this middle school in a different state wants to make birth control patches/pill available to pre-teens? Yeah, I get it, kids have sex, but do you really want the school making the decision about a Rx drug for your child? Was their condom program a failure?

OK, and now......I GOT MY NEW CAMERA. Chris couldn't take the whining and gave me my Christmas present in October. Canon Digital Rebel XTI 400D. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!


D said...

Stop watching the news! Its all nice in my world! LOL
It's nice to know your still as spoiled as you were in college!
your loving bff

Unknown said...

Totally agree with everything you have said, and have a few of my own opinions. Predictions of ice storms did not phase them either. But mention SNOW, and Wal Mart will be packed with people stocking up for the long haul.