Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another Dillon-ism

Dillon to his sister after she had bitten his head off:

"Weeellll, aren't you just a ball of sunshine!"


Working cattle with her Dad. She's one tough cookie.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Well, OK Then

Dillon - after being warned for shoving a kids head/helmet into the ground after a play was over -

"He pissed me off."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Read his mind!!!

I am pretty sure whatever he is thinking....I can't post here!

Really? REALLY????

Friday, August 13, 2010

Because I Said So!!

Me - arguing with a 9 pound mutt:

Don't look at me that way. Get over here. I am not going to stand by this cage all night. I don't care if you go in, I'll just let the coyotes eat you. Don't wag your tail at me, get in this cage. This is not a game. Listen mutt, if I catch you I am going to beat you myself. DON'T YOU RUNFROMMETHISISNOTFUNNYYOU'DBETTERBEGLADMYKIDSLOVEYOUI'LLTAKEYOUTOTHESHELTER....

Twenty minutes later she prances right on in and looks at me like "neener neener neener".

Darn dog.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


On the drive to San Antonio:

Dillon: Dad, why would anyone name a town Wac(k)o?

CF: Son that's wAco.