Friday, November 30, 2007

Here's A Mental Image for ya!!

Yesterday morning Masen came through the house in her usual fashion with hair strung all over her face, eyes half open, and carrying Blackie. "Hold Blackie, I have to go to the bathroom". (WHY she has to cross the entire house and use our bathroom when there is one 3 feet from her bedroom door I do NOT know) Only this time, Chris was the designated holder. So, I look up and my husband, the man I've lived with for 15 years, is standing in the bedroom, in his underwear, attempting to iron his work clothes with one hand because he has a stuffed animal tucked into his other arm. Macho baby, MA-CHO.

And yes, this is another reason why I love him. (ok, that and the fact he irons his own clothes!)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Such gracefulness...

Today I have on my favorite black pants. They are the perfect pants, not too tight, fit good across the hind-end, just the right length, and are cut with a little flare on the ends. I bought a great pair of black shoes to go with them. I REALLY like these shoes. They aren't dressy heels, but more of a trouser shoe with a lower heel. So today I am leaving for lunch, got my nose stuck in the air and am sashaying to my car when...I caught the heel of my great black shoes on the concrete median and fell, face first, full bear-hug-body-splat into the side of my car.

Yeah, go ahead and laugh, everyone else did.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Velveteen Horse (?)

When Masen was about 2 1/2 and I was pregnant with Dillon, we made trek to OKC for some reason or another, and on our way home stopped at a horse sale. (Can you IMAGINE CHRIS wanting to stop at a HORSE SALE??!! ha ha Anyway...) While Chris looked at horses, Sis and I looked at some of the booths that were set up by vendors. She came across a stuffed black horse. Well, naturally, she wants. She turned her big hazel eyes on her Daddy and he dished out the $$ for the appropriately named, "Blackie". The child had more toys and stuffed animals than should be allowed to any one child, so I thought Blackie would end up in the toybox like the rest. But here we are, seven years later, and I can count on one hand, LITERALLY, the number of times she has gone to bed without Blackie headlocked under her arm. That fact that he is indeed a horse is no longer distiguishable. His mane and tail are gone, she loved them off, and he is more floppy than floofy now. People who don't know, see him and say, WHAT is that supposed to be. But Blackie is a part of our family. He has his own little stuffed persona and has been known to travel in the front seat on trips and eat at the table with us. Sometimes I wake her up in the mornings by making Blackie "talk" and sing and dance to her. He also does a pretty mean swan dive from way up high if she doesn't get up soon enough. I was greeted EARLY this morning by being whacked in the head and hearing, "Here, hold Blackie...I have to go to the bathroom".

I know someday, alot sooner than I want, that she'll leave and I'll be the one holding Blackie and crying into his "fur". He knows it too and sometimes we give each other that secret look that lets us know we are in this together. But for now, she is still my girl little enough to need her Blackie, and Blackie, well, he's going into the wash!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Super Dillon to the Rescue

Here's a picture of one of the wrestling matches that occur in my living room. Dillon is rescuing his sister. Notice the completely happy grin on his face.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I'll see you all on Monday. I am going to enjoy my time off work and my family.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Its almost that gathering, food EVERYWHERE, and I have to say, I have so much to be thankful for. There isn't enough room here to list all of the things I am thankful for. So, I'll just thank my God in heaven for the blessing that everyday I spend on this earth, I get to spend with people I love. To God be the glory, forever and ever, amen.

This picture was taken Sunday at Mom and Dad's pond. Chris, Mom, the kids and I went exploring. The kids had BB Guns and fishing poles. And another generation of hicks is born....

Monday, November 19, 2007

May I Help You?

Rocky wants to know what is in that little box.....

Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy 100th Oklahoma

My husband works for a local bank, who, today are having a HUGE centennial celebration. They have food, balloons, a wagon, even a chocolate fountain. So, just to be a pain, this morning I look at him and say:

Me: Where's the indian?
CF: What?
Me: The indian. You know, Oklahoma, it means land of the red people. THE INDIAN.
CF: Ha ha.
Me: No, I am serious, the 1/8th of me that is Choctaw is highly offended at your celebrating the taking of my ancestors land and now partying over it.
CF: Yep, that's us, cheating, land-stealing sons of *****es.

Now, we had a good laugh at this until I found out that there are tribes protesting at the Capitol today. You have to admit, they kind of do have a point!

Oh, and just to be a smart alec, I suggested they take a bow and arrow and shoot the arrow into the canvas of the wagon top. Warped, I know!

Monday, November 12, 2007

punched in the stomach

It was a monsterously busy weekend. Dillon played in the band again at the Pittsburg Co. Cattlemens car party, and Sis had a rodeo yesterday. There were moments of pride so deep and laughter until tears came, but it was all overshadowed by the death of a beautiful little girl that we knew. The news of her accident, and thoughts of it now, leave me feeling like I have been punched in the stomach. I hear people say, "How do you survive losing a child?", but the truth is that they have no choice. God chose to take this child home and He chose to leave her family here. The pain they feel is beyond my understanding. They are continually in my thoughts and faithfully in my prayers.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

How much longer will this last?!!


Dillon: Mom, those girls are bothering me.
Me: Well, thats because you are so handsome.
Dillon: Not funny.
Me: Sorry, but someday little girls are going to be chasing you all over the playground.
Dillon: If I bring them to you, will you whip them?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Lost in Translation

Ok, so I recently got on this rant about attitude and rights and taking God out of our society. Several people have asked me, So what are you going to do about it. (No, D- you werent the first) The answer is, I don't know. I WANT to do something, I just have no direction as to what or how. Letter writing campaign, email CEO's, what? I'm not afraid to voice my opinions, we all know that, with this situation, I just dont know who to voice it to! If you'd like to read the rant, I'll email it to you. If you have any helpful suggestions I'll take those too!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I have been accused more than once of having a really weird sense of humor. Stupid comedy doesnt entertain me at all, with the exception of the Adam Sandler movie where he is the golfer and Jim Carrey in Liar Liar. Anyway....this morning on the radio:

A prison on Denmark has decided that taking a new interest in the inmates physical health can help improve their quality of life inside the institution. Basing their health improvement plan on Olympic type events, the inmates are now being trained in such events as pole vaulting.
Cracked me up. Are we SURE this is the best idea? What's next? Cross Country Track and Field?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

For the love of big hair and shoulder pads

I am listening to 106.9 The Point out of Houston Texas. Its all 80's all the time. Dude where's my Camaro? Lets cruise!