Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We buried my beautiful Gran on the hill next to Chank with a soft, cool wind blowing and the sun shining bright above. I smiled during the graveside service because there we all were, the kids, grandkids, greats, cousins, nieces, nephews, all of us, praying together. You know she loved that moment. The three great great grandkids played near her headstone and took turns sniffing the flowers that were sent. Every so often you'd hear one of her great grandkids, now turned into Mom and Dad, scold their babies for fighting, pushing, throwing rocks, and all that goes along with being small and having your cousins around to harass.

Can you imagine the reunion that took place with the Turney girls?! Poor Earl, outnumbered still. Oh how she missed her sisters. And oh how happy she was to see them, I am certain.

After, we all gathered at Mom and Dad's to eat, visit, and ultimately divide up the plants! So many people loved her and it's nice to think that we all took a living piece of her memory home, even in the form of an ivy or azalea. I know my garden, like so many other parts of my life, will be a more beautiful place now because of her. She was my safe haven, my place of total acceptance. She taught me how to drive. She was waiting for me everyday after school. She took me to worship. She was my Gran and I love her.

I thank God for blessing me with her in my life.

It is not goodbye, just til I see her again.

1 comment:

Christy said...

First, I am so sorry to hear of yout loss. I'll be praying for you.
Second, thank you for the comment you left on Safe Haven, but I need help finding Audra's website. I logged onto Caring Bridge but have not been able to locate hers. Can you send me the direct link to it? I would love to add her to the list to be prayed for. Thank you!