Monday, September 28, 2009

His New Nickname is Plus Five

My husband, my wonderful, sweet husband. He’s crazy you know. If you want proof, just watch him at one of our kid’s sporting events. During baseball, he found himself crawling across the ground screaming RUN-RUN when Dillon hit a home run, at playdays he does the left-foot-right-foot-left-foot weave hop when Sis is running poles. I’ve actually had other children’s parents tell me that he is more fun to watch than the games. He’s passionate about his kids.


This took place Saturday night: He and Sis had gone to a rodeo. He roped his calf and then got onto the business of getting her ready for her barrel run. He always walks into the alley way and stands at the edge of the arena where he can help her into/out of the arena if needed. This is where he stands and does the requisite crazed barrel-racer parent KICK KICK SIT DOWN PULL KICK KICK scream until the run is over. (If any of you said parents are out there, he used to make fun of you until he had a daughter who wanted to barrel race and now he is undeniably one of you) According to her dad, Sis was making a fantastic run until she clipped the third barrel with her knee. The barrel balanced, teetering on its edge for a second or so before falling over causing an audible ohhhhhh from the audience. What the audience didn’t see, or we HOPE they didn’t, was her Dad leaning with the barrel, using his body to will it to stand up, leaning, praying the force of his hope and will would upright it. Then it fell. And so did he. My husband, my very masculine, macho, muscular, rub a little dirt on it you aren’t hurt, husband found himself on his hands and knees in arena dirt, and according to him, not even realizing he had fallen until he was elbow deep.

This man loves his children and this is only one of the reasons I love this man.

Oh and if any of you were there Saturday night and just happen to have this on video, I’ve got some $$ with your name on it, because that is just stinkin’ FUNNY and I promise to use the video to black mail him for the rest of his life. You know, because I love him so much.

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