Friday, March 27, 2009

Well that was vague.

I am finally sitting down to face my blog after horribly neglecting writing about last week. Masen was diagnosed with post strep glomulonephritis. Basically she had strep throat and her body thought her kidneys were part of the strep and began to attack her kidneys. Apparently this is not common, but not uncommon! Did you know? I sure didn't. After fighting her blood pressure for a few days, losing 17 lbs (most water from the edema caused by her kidneys not working), bursting all the vessels in her eyes (her poor eyes!), and being placed on a low sodium diet, we are home with two different blood pressure monitors. My daughter is an amazing person and handled this all so well. Today she is laughing and smiling her beautiful Macy smile. I feel like I have been holding my breath for weeks and I am still afraid to let go and exhale. This morning I had a major deja vu moment when I flashed back to a dream I had months ago. All I remembered of this dream was that Sis was very very sick and it had to do with her blood pressure. I remember dismissing the dream with the thoughts, what kid her age has BP issues? Geesh, I really have to learn to tune in more!

On another note: today Chris and I have been married 16 years. All I can say honey, is "If God gave me the chance to do it all again, I'd choose you again."

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