I take pills. Yes, you read that right, I take pills. I take small, yellowish, man-made chemicals which keep me from sliding into the darkness that tells me I'm worthless, I shouldn't live. The darkness that surrounds me, locking me into a cylindrical prison that makes me unable to see any light from anywhere. It makes me ugly and sad and mean. I can talk about it, because I accept it. I have accepted the fact that my body has some kind of chemical screw up that I cannot control on my own, and believe me I have tried. I remind myself of the drowning man calling on God to save him. He sends away a boat saying God will save me. He sends away a helicopter saying God will save me. When he dies and faces God, he says, but God I called on you to save me and God says, I sent you a boat and a helicopter. For me, taking them is not a lack of faith, but more like reaching out for that life vest.
BUT, I am getting away from the story here. IRONY. IRONIC. I went to the doc a few weeks ago and got a new Rx for my medicine. I wasn't in need of a new bottle then, so, I told the pharmacist I wanted to turn it in and fill it when needed. Apparently, this small request shorted-out, fried, and basically destroyed their entire system. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, I take this medicine, partially, to keep me from short circuiting and going all road rage on innocent bystanders.
I called the refill center to get a refill. Of course this is an automated process. After typing umpteen-gillion numbers into my phone, the mechanical woman told me I had no refills. So, I called back and pushed the "To Talk To The Pharmacist" number and got voicemail. (It was friday afternoon) I left a message. Fast forward to Monday. The pharmacist called me back. Nope, sorry, not their problem, the mistake was made at the home-town pharmacist office and I would have to call there. Ok, great, I called. Receptionist in home-town pharmacy says, nope, sorry, mistake was made in the Dr.'s office, please call them. Ok, great, I called. Nurse says, yep, I see it, let me talk to the Dr. and I'll call you back. She did saying, its all taken care of, you can pick your Rx up at the pharmacy here. WHEW. Thank you. On my lunch hour (actually 30 minutes, but...oh nevermind) I drive across town to the clinic. The Rx drive thru window is closed for lunch. (?!) I park. I walk in. I sashay up to the pick up window and the receptionist is on the phone with a friend. No biggie, I am still sort of smiling at this point, but its getting harder. After a few minutes, she covers the mouthpiece and asks why I am there. I say, "to pick up a prescription." She sighs loudly, tells her friend, "I'll have to call you back" and looks at me and says...."You need to call the refill center."
I'll skip the details from there, but, and I am NOT exaggerating not even a little, I left there with a DOUBLE prescription. You fill in the blanks.
HA. Score one for the crazy people.
You ARE nuts! That's why I love you so much - I can relate!! I wish I could've been there to hear what you said. One of these days I might be brave enough to tell someone what I really am thinking, followed up by some begging for forgiveness and crying! I'm such a wuss! Love ya!
Happy Pills are a life saver!!! I can just see you now...
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