Friday, March 14, 2008

With friends like these...

So, yesterday was my birthday. This verse was printed inside a card I received from a friend of mine. (back of card says it was written by Susan Malachowski for Leanin Tree, dont want to break any laws here)

Do the boobs sorta droop and
the buns sorta sag?
Has the chin multiplied
and the eyes kinda bagged?
Do your legs kinda ripple
as you run toward the fridge?
Have your maidenhood tresses
turned into drab frizz?
Lets face it, you're labeled,
and there just ain't no cure,
but for diplomacy's sake
let's just say you're
Thanks to Charmion, I feel SOOOOOO loved!
Oh and her link is to the right, let her know how clever you think she is.

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