OK, so Santa will leave me a rock in my stocking for not updating. So, here we go with some recent and random happenings in the world of the Foris Four.
Chris and I saw "Fireproof". Excellent movie. Highly recommend.
Macy Lee has taken over her daddy's roping horse leaving her Mama with more gray hairs.
Dillon has decided that when he grows up he wants to be a quarterback, first for OU and then for the Cowboys. (Funny since two weeks ago he cried because I picked out an OU shirt for him to wear to school) Oh, and Romo, he has you beat in every way!
B/G club basketball tryouts and draft are this week. Holey Moley. Someone bring out the vodka, cause here we go again!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Why they call me Ouizer Boudroux
(Yes, I know, its probably spelled wrong, but you know who I mean, Weezer from Steel Magnolias)
Conversation at lunch while trying to order a sandwich:
Me: I'd like a barbeque sandwich and plain chips, please.
Fast Food Order guy: (static static) you say plain chips? Is that all?
Me: Yes and a barbeque sandwich.
FFOG: Yeah, I got THAT, I said IS THAT ALL?
Me: You know what, you can take that order and shove it, and I'll go somewhere else.
I think I might need a pill.....oh and lunch.
Conversation at lunch while trying to order a sandwich:
Me: I'd like a barbeque sandwich and plain chips, please.
Fast Food Order guy: (static static) you say plain chips? Is that all?
Me: Yes and a barbeque sandwich.
FFOG: Yeah, I got THAT, I said IS THAT ALL?
Me: You know what, you can take that order and shove it, and I'll go somewhere else.
I think I might need a pill.....oh and lunch.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Ike Hike
This week my roommate from OC and her four kids came to stay with us as they escaped the madness surrounding Ike and Houston. Really they just wanted air conditioning. Gara has 3 girls and a boy and my kids were all HEYYY PARRTYYYY. Her poor kids, they just didn't know what was coming. They have been on horses, chased calves, RIDDEN calves, had cow poop on their clothes, and tried to rope the dummy. (the wooden one, not Chris. haha. Aren't I funny)
Anyway, I just want to say...WE'LL MISS YOU GUYS. Come back as often as you want and we'll stock up on junk food and chase cattle. I hope Jason forgives me for the trampoline!!
Anyway, I just want to say...WE'LL MISS YOU GUYS. Come back as often as you want and we'll stock up on junk food and chase cattle. I hope Jason forgives me for the trampoline!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
No really, I'm not kidding...
Monday as we sat around enjoying our "day off", Masen looked up from her perch in the rocking chair and very calmly said "Dillon, there's a snake." Now, what you need to know about my daughter is that the term Drama Queen was coined after she was born. This is the child who refused to go outside for the first 5 years of her life because outside is where the bugs are. Now that you know this about her, then you can understand why nobody listened, especially since she never even moved out of the rocking chair. Dillon ignored her and I thought she was just trying to pick on Dillon. So, she says it again, "There's a S N A K E." I glanced up and saw a small dark something in the floor, but it looked like one of Dillon's toys, so I just said, yeah, ha ha kiddo. This time the comment came a little more adamently, "THERE IS A SNAKE IN THE HOUSE." Deeeeep sigh, I walked over and sure enough, the instant I got too close, the little sucker took off. I had momentary brain freeze while I thought, how in the crap am I going to get this thing out of here. "GO GET YOUR DAD!" Ah-ha problem solved, make the man do it! It was just a tiny little thing, but after we moved bunk beds, a ridiculous number of stuffed animals, a variety of toy semi trucks, and a pair of underwear (all of which were UNDER Dillon's bed), we found it, and while I held the flashlight on it, Chris ki-ayed it with a baseball bat and that was that.
Dillon was so excited. He called anyone and everyone who would listen and told them he "got to see its guts".
Me, I am just glad Sis spotted it. If I had found that thing while cleaning Dillon's room.....oh wait, I don't clean his room, which explains the underwear under the bed....ANYWAY, I'm just sayin' I am really glad he's not living in my house. THANKS MASEN. Next time we'll listen, or maybe you could panic just a little.
Dillon was so excited. He called anyone and everyone who would listen and told them he "got to see its guts".
Me, I am just glad Sis spotted it. If I had found that thing while cleaning Dillon's room.....oh wait, I don't clean his room, which explains the underwear under the bed....ANYWAY, I'm just sayin' I am really glad he's not living in my house. THANKS MASEN. Next time we'll listen, or maybe you could panic just a little.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Just another day in paradise
As I was getting ready for work this morning and the kids were getting dressed for school, I heard this horrible, high pitched, shrieking, yell coming from the dining room...DILLON STOP IT NOWWWWWWWWW! The glass doors exiting to the patio cracked under the pressure, and small animals were seen scurrying away to hide. Being the loving, caring, ever-responsible parent that I am, I yelled KNOCK IT OFF. DILLON ARE YOU AGGRAVATING HER ON PURPOSE??? His answer: UMMMMMMMMM I'll take that as a yes. WELL, QUIT IT.
Problem solved, incident over, until...
Two minutes later my precious daughter goes: DILLON GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM I HAVE TO PPPEEEEEEE. I hear the bathroom door crack open and my son YELL at his sister who is standing 6 inches away: I AM BRUTHING MY TEEF, GO AWAY.
Deep sigh as I haul my butt off the floor and head to their end of the house. (It's bad now, Mom had to get up and come in there) Both of them stand there and look at me like, what? Ain't nothing going on here. Nope, nothing to see, we looovvveeee each other, big smiles.
I know why guppies eat their young.
Problem solved, incident over, until...
Two minutes later my precious daughter goes: DILLON GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM I HAVE TO PPPEEEEEEE. I hear the bathroom door crack open and my son YELL at his sister who is standing 6 inches away: I AM BRUTHING MY TEEF, GO AWAY.
Deep sigh as I haul my butt off the floor and head to their end of the house. (It's bad now, Mom had to get up and come in there) Both of them stand there and look at me like, what? Ain't nothing going on here. Nope, nothing to see, we looovvveeee each other, big smiles.
I know why guppies eat their young.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Eat more chikin.
When I was little I was a picky eater. I guess my daughter is the punishment for that, because getting her to eat anything out of her "comfort zone" is like chipping cement with a plastic knife. I vividly remember my mom trying to get me to taste gravy one time. I gagged and proceeded to fall in the floor and roll around as if she had fed me arsenic. OK, not really, but I did gag. You know she wanted to smack me. So as I am sitting here at my desk today, eating lunch, it dawned on me that my favorite food in the world is now black eyed peas. BLACK.EYED.PEAS.
I think this means I'm old.
I think this means I'm old.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
On the road again...
School has started and so have all of the extra activities, including dance and guitar. I don't know how people do it that have more than two kids. Some days its a tag and go routine between Chris and I with just our two.
It makes me miss this day. The kids and I were walking in the pasture and it was just us and the grass. OK and whatever critter happened to come along. Days like this one....I really love Oklahoma.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Old Friends
Conversation between friends since grade school when coming and going at the Git N Go:
K: Loser
Me: Butthead
Both: (laughing) Have a good day.
K: Loser
Me: Butthead
Both: (laughing) Have a good day.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Just One Of The Kids
My neighbor has twin boys exactly my daughters age. They are sweet, cute little boys, although I am sure when they are about 16 I won't think so highly of them, especially if they are following my girl around. They showed up last night to play. The storms had come through (we missed the rain!) and cooled off the temps from around 105 to the lower 90's. It felt great outside and Chris decided to rope. The twins, having never seen a rodeo, couldn't wait to watch. They thought it was so cool that Chris let them help load the calves into the chute and before long, Chris couldn't help himself and had them on the ground with the calves practicing tieing and playing calf scramble. I went inside to finish dinner and looked out not long after to see all four kids, and my husband, in a huge water fight. Chris had the water hose, each twin had a five gallon bucket, filling them out of water troughs, Dillon had an empty coffee can, and Sis, well, she had the squeals. When it was time for the twins to go home, my two and Chris came into the house, sopping wet, their feet covered in (what I am hoping was mostly) mud and grinning from ear to ear. When the entire story was told, Chris had made the kids climb onto the fence and pretended to give them a lesson in "cooling off" and bathing his horse. He finished the lesson with "Do you know what sweaty, dirty horses and sweaty, dirty kids have in common? THEY ALL NEED A BATH." He then turned the hose on them setting off the water fight.
I can only imagine what Melinda thought when her boys returned home from a play date wet, dripping, muddy, and smelling like horses and cattle. I suppressed the urge to call her and promise to keep my biggest kid away from them!!!
As for the boys, their final words thrown over their shoulders were, "We'll come back tomorrow!!" Uh-oh, I think we've started something....
Monday, August 4, 2008
Raising a BOY
Friday, August 1, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I take pills. Yes, you read that right, I take pills. I take small, yellowish, man-made chemicals which keep me from sliding into the darkness that tells me I'm worthless, I shouldn't live. The darkness that surrounds me, locking me into a cylindrical prison that makes me unable to see any light from anywhere. It makes me ugly and sad and mean. I can talk about it, because I accept it. I have accepted the fact that my body has some kind of chemical screw up that I cannot control on my own, and believe me I have tried. I remind myself of the drowning man calling on God to save him. He sends away a boat saying God will save me. He sends away a helicopter saying God will save me. When he dies and faces God, he says, but God I called on you to save me and God says, I sent you a boat and a helicopter. For me, taking them is not a lack of faith, but more like reaching out for that life vest.
BUT, I am getting away from the story here. IRONY. IRONIC. I went to the doc a few weeks ago and got a new Rx for my medicine. I wasn't in need of a new bottle then, so, I told the pharmacist I wanted to turn it in and fill it when needed. Apparently, this small request shorted-out, fried, and basically destroyed their entire system. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, I take this medicine, partially, to keep me from short circuiting and going all road rage on innocent bystanders.
I called the refill center to get a refill. Of course this is an automated process. After typing umpteen-gillion numbers into my phone, the mechanical woman told me I had no refills. So, I called back and pushed the "To Talk To The Pharmacist" number and got voicemail. (It was friday afternoon) I left a message. Fast forward to Monday. The pharmacist called me back. Nope, sorry, not their problem, the mistake was made at the home-town pharmacist office and I would have to call there. Ok, great, I called. Receptionist in home-town pharmacy says, nope, sorry, mistake was made in the Dr.'s office, please call them. Ok, great, I called. Nurse says, yep, I see it, let me talk to the Dr. and I'll call you back. She did saying, its all taken care of, you can pick your Rx up at the pharmacy here. WHEW. Thank you. On my lunch hour (actually 30 minutes, but...oh nevermind) I drive across town to the clinic. The Rx drive thru window is closed for lunch. (?!) I park. I walk in. I sashay up to the pick up window and the receptionist is on the phone with a friend. No biggie, I am still sort of smiling at this point, but its getting harder. After a few minutes, she covers the mouthpiece and asks why I am there. I say, "to pick up a prescription." She sighs loudly, tells her friend, "I'll have to call you back" and looks at me and says...."You need to call the refill center."
I'll skip the details from there, but, and I am NOT exaggerating not even a little, I left there with a DOUBLE prescription. You fill in the blanks.
HA. Score one for the crazy people.
BUT, I am getting away from the story here. IRONY. IRONIC. I went to the doc a few weeks ago and got a new Rx for my medicine. I wasn't in need of a new bottle then, so, I told the pharmacist I wanted to turn it in and fill it when needed. Apparently, this small request shorted-out, fried, and basically destroyed their entire system. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, I take this medicine, partially, to keep me from short circuiting and going all road rage on innocent bystanders.
I called the refill center to get a refill. Of course this is an automated process. After typing umpteen-gillion numbers into my phone, the mechanical woman told me I had no refills. So, I called back and pushed the "To Talk To The Pharmacist" number and got voicemail. (It was friday afternoon) I left a message. Fast forward to Monday. The pharmacist called me back. Nope, sorry, not their problem, the mistake was made at the home-town pharmacist office and I would have to call there. Ok, great, I called. Receptionist in home-town pharmacy says, nope, sorry, mistake was made in the Dr.'s office, please call them. Ok, great, I called. Nurse says, yep, I see it, let me talk to the Dr. and I'll call you back. She did saying, its all taken care of, you can pick your Rx up at the pharmacy here. WHEW. Thank you. On my lunch hour (actually 30 minutes, but...oh nevermind) I drive across town to the clinic. The Rx drive thru window is closed for lunch. (?!) I park. I walk in. I sashay up to the pick up window and the receptionist is on the phone with a friend. No biggie, I am still sort of smiling at this point, but its getting harder. After a few minutes, she covers the mouthpiece and asks why I am there. I say, "to pick up a prescription." She sighs loudly, tells her friend, "I'll have to call you back" and looks at me and says...."You need to call the refill center."
I'll skip the details from there, but, and I am NOT exaggerating not even a little, I left there with a DOUBLE prescription. You fill in the blanks.
HA. Score one for the crazy people.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Snips, Snails, Puppy Dog Tails, Sugar, Spice, All Thats Nice
My kids are, of course, the most fantastic creatures on earth. They make me smile everyday. (Not an easy accomplishment if you listen to my husband!!)
Dillon is such a boy. His biggest thrill at 4th of July was to see if a sparkler would burn the dead worm in our front yard. He catches frogs, grasshoppers, lizards, and brings me "cool" rocks he finds in the drive way. He does his best to aggravate his sister to her breaking point, and then giggles like a mad man when she explodes. (He can generally stop short of causing her to be violent, but occasionally, I have to save his hiney)
Macy is growing up so fast, suspended between being a little girl and being a young lady. Some days she is all teenage attitude, complete with eye rolls and my mom is soooo embarassing deep sighs and door slams. Then there are the days she can be found locked up with her AG dolls playing dress up and making up stories for them. She is a dancer at heart but also a cowgirl. Horses are her passion, and normalcy to her is wearing her tutu one day while competing a ballet solo, to wearing jeans and boots the next and running barrels at a rodeo.
Both are straight A students. Both are gorgeous. They are required to call adults Mr. or Ms. (Ms. Ashley, Mr. Steve). I am grateful and amazed constantly with these two gifts. My most wonderful God, how great Thou art.
Dillon is such a boy. His biggest thrill at 4th of July was to see if a sparkler would burn the dead worm in our front yard. He catches frogs, grasshoppers, lizards, and brings me "cool" rocks he finds in the drive way. He does his best to aggravate his sister to her breaking point, and then giggles like a mad man when she explodes. (He can generally stop short of causing her to be violent, but occasionally, I have to save his hiney)
Macy is growing up so fast, suspended between being a little girl and being a young lady. Some days she is all teenage attitude, complete with eye rolls and my mom is soooo embarassing deep sighs and door slams. Then there are the days she can be found locked up with her AG dolls playing dress up and making up stories for them. She is a dancer at heart but also a cowgirl. Horses are her passion, and normalcy to her is wearing her tutu one day while competing a ballet solo, to wearing jeans and boots the next and running barrels at a rodeo.
Both are straight A students. Both are gorgeous. They are required to call adults Mr. or Ms. (Ms. Ashley, Mr. Steve). I am grateful and amazed constantly with these two gifts. My most wonderful God, how great Thou art.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The gift of a smart mouth.
I have to begin this post with a little explanation. My dad is the hairiest human being I have ever met. Yes, he is mostly bald, but without a shirt the man looks like a walking deep pile rug. Neck, back, chest, I doubt sheep clippers could cut through that stuff. If you've ever seen pictures of Bigfoot sightings in SE Oklahoma, look closer, I am sure its just Benny without a shirt on.
Now, this morning when I dropped the kids off at Mom and Dads, Benny was outside, shirtless, working on his boat. My oh-so-charming ten year old says, "I didn't know we were going to the zoo." My seven year old shot back, "They have talking gorillas."
Good Morning PaPa. They really do love you!
Now, this morning when I dropped the kids off at Mom and Dads, Benny was outside, shirtless, working on his boat. My oh-so-charming ten year old says, "I didn't know we were going to the zoo." My seven year old shot back, "They have talking gorillas."
Good Morning PaPa. They really do love you!
Friday, July 18, 2008
What is "normal" anyway?
Yesterday I was driving down one of the main streets in our downtown area and I noticed that the windows of the downtown businesses are being painted for the annual Prison Rodeo, when it dawned on me how that scene might play out to someone new to this area. McAlester is home to Oklahoma's maximum security prison and death row, along with several minimum security areas. The rodeo is held each year with inmates from different facilities across OK participating. Each facility brings their own rodeo "team" and compete for bragging rights. For one weekend the general public is allowed "behind the walls" in the OSP arena to watch the events, which are, by the way, interspersed with real professional cowboys and traditional rodeo events, not just inmates. The rodeo isn't quite what it used to be (what is?) in this area. Gone is the parade and street dance with the prison band, but the Warden still holds his annual bar-b-que on the prison lawns and you can enter certain areas of the buildings to view the inmate art show. As I was driving back to work after lunch, it just struck me that having men in gray jumpsuits with the word INMATE written in caps across the back, standing on the sidewalks downtown wasn't a cause for alarm, but instead sort of a normal "oh its that time again, boy that snuck up on me" reaction. Certain inmates are allowed to paint rodeo event pictures on the windows of the storefronts during rodeo week celebrations.
It just made me wonder, if you were in my corner of the world today, what would be going through your mind as INMATES worked on the streets as the non-felons of the world passed by without even a second glance?
It just made me wonder, if you were in my corner of the world today, what would be going through your mind as INMATES worked on the streets as the non-felons of the world passed by without even a second glance?
Friday, July 11, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Home Again

Last week we took the young-uns and headed to Branson. It had been more than 10 years since Chris and I had been there. We hit the ground running after the five hour drive, and rode the "ducks", saw the Titanic museum, and ended with a trip on the Branson Belle. The next day we hit Silver Dollar City and the Grand Country water park. All in all, the kids were exhausted and happy.
Conversation returning to hotel after SDC:
Dillon: Dad, can you drive faster to the hotel?
CF: Sure, why?
Dillon: I need to mark my territory.
THAT is Chris's genetics coming out in him for sure!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Music Camp
For the past two weeks, my little urchins have been attending music camp. I don't know what they do all day other than play small instruments and sing, but they are having a great time. Dillon won a "who can be the most well behaved boy" contest (which leads me to believe that the instructors are thinking two weeks is a week and four days too long!). His prize...A KAZOO. A KAZOO. Thank you VERY MUCH, Ms. Shaming. Oh for the love of his KAZOO. It's a wonder he isn't dehydrated and oxygen deprived from the shear amount of time he has spent humming into that thing. We've heard Jesus Loves Me, on the KAZOO; the Star Spangled Banner, on the KAZOO; Thank You Lord, on the KAZOO; see where I am going with this?!?! His KAZOO has now been banned from all moving vehicles requiring me and/or Chris to be locked up with it. His KAZOO is now limited to 1. his room with the door closed or 2. OUTSIDE. Who knew a $.25 piece of plastic could bring so much joy to this little man. Not me or I wouldn't have spent $300 on a Wii!!! He is a very well behaved young man, and I am so proud of him for being so, however after a kajillion hours of KAZOOing, I am ready to place his beloved instrument in a place Ms. Shaming will find only after eating beans and brocolli.
Oh, yeah, all of you with young boys in your families, I am buying each and everyone of them a KAZOO. Misery loves company, and besides, that's just HOW I AM!
Oh, yeah, all of you with young boys in your families, I am buying each and everyone of them a KAZOO. Misery loves company, and besides, that's just HOW I AM!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Crash Cart. STAT!
OK, so maybe not STAT. Yesterday I am sitting at my desk and managed to staple my finger. It was alllll the way stapled too. Stapled as in, hmm I wonder if it curled up and hung on in there. (And NO, I won't tell you how I managed to do that!) So, off to the ER to have it removed. Nurse walks in, says let me look, grabs it with her "special tool" and jerked it out. Yep she just grabbed it and jerked. Then she smiles at me and gives me a tetanus shot. Now I have two hurt fingers and a useless right arm.
AND its only Tuesday!
AND its only Tuesday!
Monday, June 16, 2008
OK, so I haven't written in a few MONTHS. I almost decided to give up on this project but, here I am.
Recital is over, competitions are over, baseball/softball has two weeks left, rodeo's are just starting, and oh yeah, I cut off a piece of my finger last night. (When using the Pampered Chef slicer thing, make sure you use the "holder", it will keep you from dicing your pinkie and leaving a hunk of it in your food. Seriously, a piece of my finger is now GONE.)
Recital is over, competitions are over, baseball/softball has two weeks left, rodeo's are just starting, and oh yeah, I cut off a piece of my finger last night. (When using the Pampered Chef slicer thing, make sure you use the "holder", it will keep you from dicing your pinkie and leaving a hunk of it in your food. Seriously, a piece of my finger is now GONE.)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Today....I hit a pole
It was a dark and rainy morning....ha ha. Actually the storms knocked over our basketball goal this morning after Chris had left for work. The goal just happened to be right behind the garage door, effectively blocking me in. So, my brilliant idea was to gently push it with the back bumper of my car until I could maneuver around it. The previous owners of our house had put their basketball goal in concrete, so that when the winds blew it over, it left a cement filled pole sticking up about 2 feet out of the ground. Yeah, you can't really see it from the drivers side of a car. Especially if you are focusing on the basketball goal behind you and the bicycles to your left, and the torrential rain, and....OK, FINE, I hit the blasted thing. (This word is nicer than the one I used earlier) Now I have a lovely dent and scrape in my car.
I should have called in sick!
I should have called in sick!
Friday, March 14, 2008
With friends like these...
So, yesterday was my birthday. This verse was printed inside a card I received from a friend of mine. (back of card says it was written by Susan Malachowski for Leanin Tree, dont want to break any laws here)
Do the boobs sorta droop and
the buns sorta sag?
Has the chin multiplied
and the eyes kinda bagged?
Do your legs kinda ripple
as you run toward the fridge?
Have your maidenhood tresses
turned into drab frizz?
Lets face it, you're labeled,
and there just ain't no cure,
but for diplomacy's sake
let's just say you're
Thanks to Charmion, I feel SOOOOOO loved!
Oh and her link is to the right, let her know how clever you think she is.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sooooo NOT funny
This weekend was absolutely beautiful here. The weather hit low to mid 70's and we played outside. I even had doors and windows open. I started looking at my dead empty flower beds and planning what to plant, began thinking about new trees and rose bushes, putting some turf builder on the lawn....but then...
overnight a 40 degree (!!!!) temperature drop and forecasts calling for SNOW. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That is just wrong. Remember back in the 80's when you'd tell someone something really cool and then go PSYCH! Spring just gave us a big ol' PSCYH and turned away.
overnight a 40 degree (!!!!) temperature drop and forecasts calling for SNOW. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That is just wrong. Remember back in the 80's when you'd tell someone something really cool and then go PSYCH! Spring just gave us a big ol' PSCYH and turned away.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Basketball at the Boys and Girls Club ends this week for Dillon and next for Masen. I've had a great time coaching but am not unhappy to see it end! Driving back to town five nights a week is getting old. HOWEVER, that light at the end of the tunnel is nothing more than baseball and softball signups! Yep, they have already begun gearing up for spring activities at the B/G Club. Oh yeah, and we still have dance recital, guitar recital and one more ballet competition to go before we get the entire month of July off. Hear that weird sound? Its my butt draggin'.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Maybe he can teach his Dad...
This morning Dillon comes running into my bedroom doing the pee pee dance:
Dillon: Mom can I use your bathroom, Sissy is in ours and I gotta go BAD.
Me: Yes, son, go ahead.
Then I hear.....ready, aim...FIRE.
Hey, at least he aims.
Dillon: Mom can I use your bathroom, Sissy is in ours and I gotta go BAD.
Me: Yes, son, go ahead.
Then I hear.....ready, aim...FIRE.
Hey, at least he aims.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Hey Swarovski...rhinestone THIS!
I spent sunday night finishing Macy's competition dress. I sat in the living room floor watching the American Gladiator's finale with Chris with a bottle of glue, a pink and blue dress, a crayon, and a few hundred rhinestones. The child is going to look like a disco ball when she does her pirouettes. This entire process is foreign to me, even after having one competition season under my belt, as the only thing I was interested in growing up was basketball, and oh yeah, basketball. Heyyyy, maybe I can rhinestone me a basketball, hmm...Anyway, I am so proud of her, what it takes to get on that stage and perform, the confidence, the work, she is amazing to me in so many ways. I get told a lot (more than I care to hear it) that "your kids are too busy" or "they do too much". And, pushing aside the reflex to tell them to bite my ***, I can see their point. In my defense, however, my kids are not forced to do anything. The activities they are involved in, they ask to be. And as long as they enjoy it, work at it, and are making A's in school, they will be allowed to try whatever they want to try, with my 100% support. I want my kids to find their "passions", to find out who they are and what makes them happy. How can they do that if they don't have those opportunities? I think they are both limitless in their abilities and I never want to be the one to limit them.
Now, where is my glue gun?
Now, where is my glue gun?
Monday, February 18, 2008
Work, kids, home, work, kids....
Only a couple of weeks left in the B&G club basketball season. I am having so much fun coaching my girls. I really did dread it and am surprised that I am enjoying it so much. Now, that is not to say that I am not ready for it to be over! With two kids playing twice a week on different days, that leaves us driving back into town four nights a week, and with dance and guitar, well, I spend more time on the road than I do at my house. Dance competition this weekend in OKC. I am looking forward to it. Keep your fingers crossed and wish us luck.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Hearts, hugs and kisses
Red roses, big heart shaped balloons, cupid is everywhere today. I have now spent 15 valentine's days with Chris. He is consistently, yet lovingly predictable. I got a card, and two homemade ones from the kids, two cd's I've been asking for, and the requisite roses. I get roses three times a year: Valentine's Day, birthday, and anniversary, like clockwork. And no, they never get old or ordinary to me. I love knowing that today, Foster's Flowers will bring my vase filled with four red roses (from Chris) four pink roses (from Masen) and four yellow roses (from Dillon) to my office.
This year Dillon made me a teddy bear card at school and wrote, will you be my valentine? He is the sweetest little man and I am totally enthralled with him. Everything about him, from his ornery little grin to that sweet dimple that appears when he is grinning, makes me smile.
My daughter is growing up. Today she wanted to wear a dress to school. Now, this is the child that will not leave the house in anything other than jeans and cowboy boots. (hmm sound like her DAD??!!) She looked beautiful as she tried to sneak her present for her "valentine" out the door in a wal-mart sack so that her Dad wouldn't see. He might as well get used to the idea, she is beautiful, boys are going to notice. He played his part and ignored the white plastic sack completely.
On this Valentine's Day, my heart could not be more full.
This year Dillon made me a teddy bear card at school and wrote, will you be my valentine? He is the sweetest little man and I am totally enthralled with him. Everything about him, from his ornery little grin to that sweet dimple that appears when he is grinning, makes me smile.
My daughter is growing up. Today she wanted to wear a dress to school. Now, this is the child that will not leave the house in anything other than jeans and cowboy boots. (hmm sound like her DAD??!!) She looked beautiful as she tried to sneak her present for her "valentine" out the door in a wal-mart sack so that her Dad wouldn't see. He might as well get used to the idea, she is beautiful, boys are going to notice. He played his part and ignored the white plastic sack completely.
On this Valentine's Day, my heart could not be more full.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Humoring my twisted mind.
Last night Masen and I were watching tv when one of the superbowl commercials came on. Now, I watched some of the game but I missed this one. I laughed so hard. I hope this link works, but if not, you can youtube search it. Just type in career builder firefly commercial.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
First Championship Trophy
Presenting the winners (3rd & 4th girls) of the Pittsburg County Dependent Schools Conference Tournament.
The girls got to play at the Expo center which is huge. They announced all the girls names over the loud speaker and left the starting five for last, you heard AND NOW THE STARTING FIVE FOR THE TANNEHILL BRAVES.....they thought that was C O O L!
Gee I wonder whose kid is front and center with the plaque? HMMM....
Friday, February 1, 2008
Greater things to come?!
I am very excited about a new project my Sis and Bro-in-law have taken on. Its big, its awesome and it still needs lots of prayers to get it off the ground. Their ministry (linked) is trying to purchase a lake lodge which would become a camp/retreat/ministry etc. right here in our area. I love the idea. I am behind it 100% and am praying that God shows me how to help in making this a reality. So, here I am, asking for your prayers for the project and for me, that I know what God wants my role to be. If you are interested in the idea, there is a link to their ministry at right.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
An Obvious Optimist
In the last post I commented about how since Masen wasn't home, maybe she wouldn't get the Ralphs. Oh, so foolish am I. Tuesday she had a ball game (with her school) at 3:30 and then games and pics at Boys/Girls Club at 5:00 that night. We left her 1st game and, yes, as sad as it is, we changed clothes in the parking lot of the B/G Club, (here's hoping there are no security cameras) then went in to round up her team for pictures. Masen said Mom I need to go to the bathroom, come with me. She then pushed open the stall door and "let 'er fly". Poor baby. She urped everywhere. The funny thing, she scattered little girls like Hannah Montana herself had shown up in the lobby. They squealed and ran! I know my baby does not find this funny, but hey, as a Mom, you find humor where you can get it, especially during barf season.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sir Barfsalot rides again
Dillon spent the night with Mammy friday. Sometime around 5:00 am, we got a call that he wanted to come home. He then spent the next 8 hours throwing his guts up. Macy had spent the night at Erin's so hopefully she can avoid the nasty little virus. Dillon was so brave. He never whimpered or whined, he just barfed, then went back to the couch. The only thing he even asked for was a cold rag for his head. He was much better yesterday and even rode his motorcycle for awhile. We'll call him the Comeback Kid.
(Side note to Sherrie....this time it was chili instead of hot dogs!) EEEEWWWWWWW
(Side note to Sherrie....this time it was chili instead of hot dogs!) EEEEWWWWWWW
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Late nights
Last night Masen had a ball game at 8:30. So after leaving work at 4:30 (yes, two hours late) we went home, ate some dinner and headed back to town. Chris and Dillon stayed home because Dillon missing his bedtime is NOT a pretty sight and we didn't want to cause the first grade teacher any extra stress. Poor Masen, she got into bed around 10:00 pm. Personally, I campaign against these late games. These kids are 9-10 yrs old, that late on a week night is too much. But...since I am coaching, there I was. Speaking of coaching, I have the greatest group of girls and parents. That is a tough combination to get!! I can truly say that not one of these girls grates on my last nerve like some have in the past. They are all well mannered and good sports. Kudos to my parents. You have done something which becomes more rare each day...raised a respectful child and as a volunteer for this job...THANK YOU!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Its cold. Thats just all there is to say about it. Its cold. I want to move to Tahiti or Barbados or someplace where its 80 degrees. I am usually not whiny about cold weather, I leave that job to my husband, but today, blah. My daughter said "It needs to snow, or it needs to get warm." I think I agree!
Monday, January 21, 2008
This year my daughter will turn 10, my son 7. This year I will have been married for 15 years! This year I will have been out of high school for 20 years. Time passes too quickly. Surely it hasn't been 20 years since high school?! Yesterday my daughter asked me what "parachute pants" were. HA HA. Let me get you some pictures baby girl! Was there anything cooler than Bon Jovi and Slippery When Wet?
Am I old???
Am I old???
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Everybody hide.
I am in a BAD mood today. No good reason as to why. I just feel like being a crab. Ugh.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Stealing my heart again.
My sister's brother-in-law (did you get that?) is very very ill and in the hospital in OKC. To be quite brutal about it, he probably won't come out of ICU. BUT, he has overcome alot of odds that were against him and is hanging in. I've talked to Jeannie several times over the past week or so about him and never realized how much my kids were taking in until last night. Dillon and I were driving to Tractor Supply and I was talking to my sis on the phone about the brother-in-law. When I hung up Dillon said, "Mom, I've been praying for that man." When I asked him "What man?", he said, "That one you talk to Aunt Bean about."
My six year old took it upon himself to pray for a man he'd overheard conversations about. I was completely blown away. What an amazing little person he is.
My six year old took it upon himself to pray for a man he'd overheard conversations about. I was completely blown away. What an amazing little person he is.
Monday, January 14, 2008
And so it begins....
Its basketball time at the Boys and Girls Club. Masen plays on Tuesdays and Fridays and Dillon plays on Mondays and Thursdays! OF COURSE! When you add dance, guitar, and school activities in, I am not sure where I'll be when. So, if you see me looking a little dazed and confused, just point me in the right direction, because there is no way I'll remember what my schedule is for the next couple of months. Oh, and did I mention that the office wants me to work more hours for a while to help with some upcoming trials?
P.S. The girls team I am coaching won our first game! YEE HAW!
P.S. The girls team I am coaching won our first game! YEE HAW!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Girls Night Out
Thursday nights are "girls" night. Macy has a 1 hr and 15 minute break between jazz and ballet, so we go have dinner together, just the two of us. Last night as we sat waiting on our food, she looks over at me, wrinkles her pretty little nose, and says with much disgust, "Mama, Tony keeps winking at me!" I almost spit tea all over the table. The look on her face and the absolute disdain in her voice cracked me up. Her body language said it all..."Dude has lost his ever-lovin' mind!"
Beauty and brains, she's quite a combination!
Beauty and brains, she's quite a combination!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Murphys Law
So, I have been whining on here about being sick, but let me give you some idea of why I HATE to try to see a doctor. Right after New Years, I began running a high fever and feeling like sh*!. So, I decided to go to the walk in clinic. However, one of the ladies I work with told me her husband was there and it was full. He had been waiting several hours. I then called the Choctaw Nation Clinic and was told, "Sure, we are taking walk ins today". I drove out there, signed in and sat. One hour and thirty minutes later the lady at the front desk informed all walk ins that the staff had decided to take lunch (apparently together) and would not be seeing patients for at least another 45 minutes to an hour. I took that as my opportunity to LEAVE. I felt so bad, I was crying. Later that night I ended up in the ER. Now, fast forward to yesterday. I have been sick to my stomach since Dec. 24th. I'll spare you details. Finally on Monday, I'd had enough and called the McAlester Clinic. The ONLY doctor who could see me before February 1st was Dr. Cotton. I said, hey, I'll take it. I just wanted some relief. My appt was at 1:30 so I left here and got to clinic around 1:20. I stood in line and paid my co-pay then got in the next line to “register”. While I was in that line, I watched people disregard the line all together and “cut” in front of those of us following the rules. It got to the point where I confronted a lady who promptly told me where to go. Anyway, I finally get to “register” and head upstairs where I was informed, not very nicely, that my appointment had been set for 1:30 and it was now 1:47 and the doctor would not see me. Seems he has a 15 minute policy. I WAS DOWNSTAIRS IN THEIR MANDATED LINES!
To say I had a negative reaction really doesn't sum it up, but for length and censorship reasons, I'll leave it at that.
To say I had a negative reaction really doesn't sum it up, but for length and censorship reasons, I'll leave it at that.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
Free and Easy
Yesterday was one of those days when all is right in my world. (ok, except for this virus which has decided to move in and set up house in me) The weather was great and we spent alot of time outside. Macy was on her horse loping across the pasture and Dillon was on his new dirt bike practicing his motocross skills. Both of my kids were fulfilling their "need for speed" in their own way. Macy looks so graceful and beautiful and care free when she is on Appy. She rides him to one end of the pasture, turns, then yee haw, she sinks spur and away they go, all that wild hair blowing every which way and grinning from ear to ear. This is her "thing". She saw a t-shirt that said "I'd rather be at the stall than at the mall", she wants it. Dillon has a brand new Honda CRF50 dirtbike. I have ten new gray hairs. Riding it in the pasture is a taste of freedom and independance that he hasn't really had before. We told him, Go...go ride where you want to. His little eyes just twinkled and off he went, leaving me and Chris to sit and watch and worry. Thats our job, right? Helping them create their own paths? Ouch. The glorious pain of parenthood strikes again.
Friday, January 4, 2008
happy Blah year
I have been sick, whining, crying, help-me-now sick. I have the blown vein on the back of my hand to prove it. (attempted I.V.) I have no idea what I have had, but it can move on now, I've had enough.
We are going tomorrow to look at dirt bikes for Dillon. One of the deacons from our congregation saw me looking at them here in town and asked, "You buying one of these for that boy?" I replied, "Nope, what I am buying is a trip to the ER." I'll keep you posted.
We are going tomorrow to look at dirt bikes for Dillon. One of the deacons from our congregation saw me looking at them here in town and asked, "You buying one of these for that boy?" I replied, "Nope, what I am buying is a trip to the ER." I'll keep you posted.
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