Friday, December 21, 2007

A life worth living

One of my favorite blogs is Heather Armstrong's. (aka If you visit, make sure you check out her "How to Annoy Me" archives, because they crack me up. Heather is very open about her fight with depression and post partum psychosis that landed her in a mental hospital. Some of you know the extent of my depression and some of you don't, but I can say without a doubt, that anti-depressant meds, namely Zoloft, saved my life. It didn't save my sanity. It didn't save my marriage, it saved my LIFE. After Dillon was born, I went through the most horrible experience of my life so far. Post partum psychosis is something so awful, that I can't come up with the adequate words to describe it. Depression, now, is no longer a daily struggle. I still have moments when the darkness creeps in. The difference now is that I can acknowledge what it is. I have no denial. I am not ashamed. I accept what this is in my life and I am convinced that because I don't fight it, and hide it, that it has made it easier for me to overcome. I am writing about this today because Heather's husband, Jon, has written a beautiful piece on his site (linked to in Heather's) about living with a spouse with depression. It was an emotional piece for me to read and I am thankful these two talk so openly about this topic.

May God bless you and your families this holiday and stay safe.

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