My husband works for a local bank, who, today are having a HUGE centennial celebration. They have food, balloons, a wagon, even a chocolate fountain. So, just to be a pain, this morning I look at him and say:
Me: Where's the indian?
CF: What?
Me: The indian. You know, Oklahoma, it means land of the red people. THE INDIAN.
CF: Ha ha.
Me: No, I am serious, the 1/8th of me that is Choctaw is highly offended at your celebrating the taking of my ancestors land and now partying over it.
CF: Yep, that's us, cheating, land-stealing sons of *****es.
Now, we had a good laugh at this until I found out that there are tribes protesting at the Capitol today. You have to admit, they kind of do have a point!
Oh, and just to be a smart alec, I suggested they take a bow and arrow and shoot the arrow into the canvas of the wagon top. Warped, I know!
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