Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hey, Camo Works!

One 11 year old boy.
One gilley suit.
Two horses, each with a rider.
Boy wearing gilley suit hides in bushes. As horses and riders approach, he stands scaring the living snot out of both horses, both riders, a few birds and one already anxiety-ridden dog.

Score one for the boy!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Oh The Horror! Otherwise Titled MAKE IT STOP

First day of school 2012. I have a Freshman and a 6th grader. New school. New home. Have I ever mentioned I don't do well with change? No? Well...I DON'T.

New School. New Priorities.

Talking to Dillon about attending a new school this year:

Me: So Bubba, what do you like about your new school? (I was thinking, the kids, teachers, food, recess...)
Dillon: High school girls.

Uh oh!

Sunday, June 10, 2012