Friday, March 26, 2010

If you knew my'd understand...

Conversation this morning with my sister:

JP: Whatcha doing?
ME: Loading the dishwasher.
JP: So, you're getting Chris drunk?

Ha ha. Isn't she funny. (say that in a flat monotone voice)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Not much really

I don't have any cute or funny stories to tell today. I wish I did, but I have the stomach flu and being creative or funny just isn't in the cards. But I do want to say this...

Last night my husband came into the living room, we could hear the kids laughing somewhere else in the house, Chris looked at me, smiled and said "I love our life".

Me too.

Friday, March 19, 2010

One year ago today....

...we were leaving Children's Hospital. Macy was soooo much better but still on blood pressure medicines and diuretics. It would take more than a month for her eyes to look normal again, and following a low sodium diet with a kid is NOT fun.

But we were home.

She got her "all clear" from the doctor last month.

Her kidneys have healed - my heart has not! I still freak every time she gets sick.

Today I will hug her and squeeze her until she pops!
Someone should warn her now...Mama's on the loose and is looking for hugs.


He has made me laugh everyday of his life. I love his dimple, his enormous feet, his giggle, and the way he makes my heart melt.
Age: 9 yrs. old
Favorite show: Star Wars Clone Wars
Favorite toy: Anything Star Wars
Nickname: Puppy, and lots of love-names I call him which embarass the snot out of him!

I can wear his shoes!! He can drive a 3/4 ton pulling a gooseneck full of steers through a small gate and not hit a thing. He loves to aggravate his sister. He tends to get stuck in trees! He makes straight A's at school.

I love this kid!!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 13, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010. This is the day I turned 40 years old.

The 20 yr old inside of me is still wondering what the heck happened.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

This sums it up

This pretty much sums up this winter. This is a view from my front door. It's been cold, it's been wet, and it's been COLD!
Spring, please.

Rat Update

Haven't seen hide nor, well, hide of the little sucker. What do you think that means?