Monday, November 30, 2009

He suffers from ManBrain

Last night: Dillon is doing whatever it is he does, Masen is in the shower and Chris is sprawled out across our bed flipping channels on the t.v. talking to me while I iron his work clothes for the week. The phone rings. Nobody moves. (ring again) Finally Chris rolls over and says, "You want me to get that?" (ya think?) But I was nice, I answered, "Please." (ring) Instead of just getting up and answering the phone, (ring) he replies, "Well, who is it?"

That big bandage across his forehead, is NOT I repeat NOT caused by me chunking the can of spray starch at him. Nope, not at all.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

She's just soooo helpful

Dillon has decided that every tree he sees is a challenge. Unfortunately, he is much better at climbing up into the trees than he is at climbing down. He tends to get stuck. His solution is to hang in the tree and yell MAMAAAAAAAA until I come help him down. This afternoon all four of us were outside when we heard MAMAAAAAAA. Dillon was stuck in the big pine tree behind our house. His big sister let out a deep sigh, much like she was asked to donate both big toes to research, and said, "I'll go shove him out."

Isn't she kind to want to "help" her brother that way?! Maybe sadistic is a better word.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Senor Smoothie Buns

Dillon comes through the house the other day, rubs his butt and proclaims himself...SENOR

(did i spell that right??)

Monday, November 9, 2009

A New Routine

Well, it's done. I am no longer working. I am beginning my time as a SAHM. I did it for awhile when Sis was a baby, but this is different. And, well, I have to tell you that I absolutely L O V E every second of it. So many people told me how much I'd hate it, so many people thought it meant something was wrong. But the truth is, so many things are right. Chris and I decided to do this for our family and for the kiddos. I've already been on a school field trip, the Halloween parade, and more ball games than I can count. The house is clean (well, clean-er anyway), the laundry is done, dinner is home cooked more than rushed, and I can't wait for the holidays and summer break. We are focusing on our family. What can be more right?