Friday, July 31, 2009

Sleep deprived

My husband can function on very little sleep. He rarely goes to bed before 2:00 a.m. and is up and moving bright and early. Sometimes it would bother me that I just always seemed to be so tired when he is always moving UNTIL I realized why I was so tired....

A few nights ago:

10:30-ish p.m. - I go to bed.

Midnight - 1:00 a.m. - CF decides to watch t.v., make tea, and fix himself a snack. Please note this means he cracked and empties all the ice trays and open and slammed the microwave door.

Sometime around 2:00 a.m. - CF comes to bed. Again, please note, we do NOT have one of those mattresses like you see on t.v. where they put a glass of wine on one end and do jumping jacks on the other leaving the wine unspilled.

Between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. - Dillon wakes up and makes his way across the house to our bed. Thus begins the wiggle-squirm-kick-roll-wiggle segment of our story. His movements wake CF who then begins HIS version of scratch-jerk-snort-cough-snore.

4:30 a.m. - I am awakened by Sis digging in the refrigerator. So, I get up to check on her, give her an allergy pill because she said sneezing woke her up, send her to bed and crawl back into mine only to hear SSSNNNRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH (pause) SSSNNNRRRGGGHHHHHHHH. OH MY STINKING HECK...the 8 year old is now snoring! Follow this with more get the picture.

At 5:00 a.m. - I proclaim LOUDLY and out of complete exasperation and irritation OK YOU CAN HAVE IT. I GIVE UP! With that I stomp to the living room, grab a blanket, arrange the pillows just the way I like them for a good snooze and close my eyes. And...I kid you not...then I hear... husband, in the kitchen, digging through the utensil drawer looking for a spoon so he can eat the apple sauce he just spent 5 minutes trying to fight out of the cardboard container.

The next sound I hear is the alarm clock telling me it is time to get ready for work.

The dark circles under my eyes...yeah, I earn those babies.


Whoever said every dark cloud has a silver lining never lived with depression.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I took both kids to the dentist last Tuesday. Well, Macy has two permanent molars coming in over her baby molars, only they are coming in sideways, crooked, and any way but straight. So, Dr. McIntosh tells me, in front of Ms. Panic Attack When It Comes to Anything Medical, that those teeth HAVE to come out and soon (only one of them is loose). So, we schedule a day for her to return to have them pulled. All this time, Masen is absorbing this info and storing it somewhere in her mind. We get home and she is really upset and has a “Foris Fit”, which basically means she got pissed off and took a large stick and beat the heck out of a tree, followed by a crying spell. Chris gets home and we talk to her and she seems to be calmer about the situation. I mean after all, having a tooth pulled is NOTHING compared to her week in Children’s. So, off she goes. Later we are sitting at the dining table and she comes out of the bathroom holding a tooth in one hand and tissue on her bleeding gums in another. She looks at her Daddy and me and says “Half way there”.

OH MY WORD. The child is pulling her teeth out of her head. She told Chris, “They come out a lot easier if you twist them.” She just kept saying SHE IS NOT GETTING MY TEETH. We told her BUT SHE WILL GIVE THEM BACK.

Twenty four hours later…she pulled the other one.

Heaven help me.