For the past two weeks, my little urchins have been attending music camp. I don't know what they do all day other than play small instruments and sing, but they are having a great time. Dillon won a "who can be the most well behaved boy" contest (which leads me to believe that the instructors are thinking two weeks is a week and four days too long!). His prize...A KAZOO. A KAZOO. Thank you VERY MUCH, Ms. Shaming. Oh for the love of his KAZOO. It's a wonder he isn't dehydrated and oxygen deprived from the shear amount of time he has spent humming into that thing. We've heard Jesus Loves Me, on the KAZOO; the Star Spangled Banner, on the KAZOO; Thank You Lord, on the KAZOO; see where I am going with this?!?! His KAZOO has now been banned from all moving vehicles requiring me and/or Chris to be locked up with it. His KAZOO is now limited to 1. his room with the door closed or 2. OUTSIDE. Who knew a $.25 piece of plastic could bring so much joy to this little man. Not me or I wouldn't have spent $300 on a Wii!!! He is a very well behaved young man, and I am so proud of him for being so, however after a kajillion hours of KAZOOing, I am ready to place his beloved instrument in a place Ms. Shaming will find only after eating beans and brocolli.
Oh, yeah, all of you with young boys in your families, I am buying each and everyone of them a KAZOO. Misery loves company, and besides, that's just HOW I AM!