Monday, June 30, 2008

Home Again

Last week we took the young-uns and headed to Branson. It had been more than 10 years since Chris and I had been there. We hit the ground running after the five hour drive, and rode the "ducks", saw the Titanic museum, and ended with a trip on the Branson Belle. The next day we hit Silver Dollar City and the Grand Country water park. All in all, the kids were exhausted and happy.

Conversation returning to hotel after SDC:

Dillon: Dad, can you drive faster to the hotel?

CF: Sure, why?

Dillon: I need to mark my territory.

THAT is Chris's genetics coming out in him for sure!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Music Camp

For the past two weeks, my little urchins have been attending music camp. I don't know what they do all day other than play small instruments and sing, but they are having a great time. Dillon won a "who can be the most well behaved boy" contest (which leads me to believe that the instructors are thinking two weeks is a week and four days too long!). His prize...A KAZOO. A KAZOO. Thank you VERY MUCH, Ms. Shaming. Oh for the love of his KAZOO. It's a wonder he isn't dehydrated and oxygen deprived from the shear amount of time he has spent humming into that thing. We've heard Jesus Loves Me, on the KAZOO; the Star Spangled Banner, on the KAZOO; Thank You Lord, on the KAZOO; see where I am going with this?!?! His KAZOO has now been banned from all moving vehicles requiring me and/or Chris to be locked up with it. His KAZOO is now limited to 1. his room with the door closed or 2. OUTSIDE. Who knew a $.25 piece of plastic could bring so much joy to this little man. Not me or I wouldn't have spent $300 on a Wii!!! He is a very well behaved young man, and I am so proud of him for being so, however after a kajillion hours of KAZOOing, I am ready to place his beloved instrument in a place Ms. Shaming will find only after eating beans and brocolli.

Oh, yeah, all of you with young boys in your families, I am buying each and everyone of them a KAZOO. Misery loves company, and besides, that's just HOW I AM!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Crash Cart. STAT!

OK, so maybe not STAT. Yesterday I am sitting at my desk and managed to staple my finger. It was alllll the way stapled too. Stapled as in, hmm I wonder if it curled up and hung on in there. (And NO, I won't tell you how I managed to do that!) So, off to the ER to have it removed. Nurse walks in, says let me look, grabs it with her "special tool" and jerked it out. Yep she just grabbed it and jerked. Then she smiles at me and gives me a tetanus shot. Now I have two hurt fingers and a useless right arm.

AND its only Tuesday!

Monday, June 16, 2008


OK, so I haven't written in a few MONTHS. I almost decided to give up on this project but, here I am.

Recital is over, competitions are over, baseball/softball has two weeks left, rodeo's are just starting, and oh yeah, I cut off a piece of my finger last night. (When using the Pampered Chef slicer thing, make sure you use the "holder", it will keep you from dicing your pinkie and leaving a hunk of it in your food. Seriously, a piece of my finger is now GONE.)